Prayer at The Gathering

Agreeing with Heaven, Changing Earth

Prayer Transforms People, Communities, and Churches

A year before The Gathering held it's first official service, a team of men and women from Minneapolis to Kansas City to Qatar formed a prayer team and prayed that people would find and follow Jesus at The Gathering. Prayer has always been the foundation of The Gathering- It's where our vision "In the Cities..." comes alive! Every prayer we pray is an opportunity for God to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or imagine in the Twin Cities and beyond.

The Gathering Church - Robbinsdale, MN - Twin Cities Region Church Service
  • Wednesday Night Prayer

    Prayer transforms situations. Every week, we gather together and pray for a move of God in our city, families, schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods. Join us every week as we believe for Jesus to do what only He can- to save, heal, liberate, restore, and reveal more of himself.

  • Personal Prayer

    In need of personal prayer? Pastor Tabi and our prayer team want to support you. Whether you need guidance, healing or want to celebrate breakthroughs, your situation matters to God and us. We are here to walk beside you- and we have faith that Jesus is able and eager to meet your needs!